Awesome Biographies

Friday, September 7, 2012

Roald Dahl's Life

Roald Dahl was born on September 13, 1916 in Cardiff, Wales in the United Kingdom. He was born to Harald Dahl and Sofie Dahl. They were both born in Norway. He would always think that he lived in Norway because they visit Norway each and every single year. Harald's first wife had died before he had married Sofie. Roald's siblings were Ellen Dahl and Louis Dahl, but they were his half brother and half sister. The rest of his siblings were Astri Dahl, Alfhild Dahl, and Else Dahl. Tragedy struck the Dahl family when Roald was four years of age. His older sister Astri had died of appendicitis and his father Harald had died of pneumonia two months after Astri's death. Soon after that horrific tragedy, his mother Sofie Dahl had given birth to Asta, Roald's Little baby sister. Now Sofie had to take care of all of her six children by her own self. When Roald was young, he loved playing outside. He would look at the birds and the butterflies. One time he had eaten a buttercup bulb but he eventually found it very hot. Sometimes he would his tricycle so speedy that he would ride on two wheels. His mother would often tell young Roald stories about trolls and witches. But something strangely weird happened. After he had one of the stories his mom had told him, he forgot the book. His writing experiences happened later on in his life. Once at a sweet store, they were two women that Roald and his friends would think were witches. So they hid a dead mouse in one of the candy jars. Eventually the boys were severely punished. At the age of nine, Sofie sent Roald to boarding school. Before he died, his father had thought that the English schools were the best schools on the planet of Earth. Afterward, Sofie sent all of her children to school. Roald went to St. Peters Prepratory School in Weston-super-Mare in England. That is where he stayed for four years. The staff in St. Peters were super strict. If a student had misbehaved or had broken the rules, they would get beaten with a cane. Later, he wrote a autobiography about his boarding school days so-called Boy.  So after attending St. Peters he attended Repton. When he was twenty-two he began to get bored with his job after attending Repton. He decided to join the war effort. Before that, he worked with Shell Oil Company. He traveled to Kenya later in the same year. He worked with RAF. He enjoyed it. Although, while in the desert, the plane crashed before they even started to fight. Afterwards, he flew to Syria and Greece. The Royal Air Force (RAF) sent Roald to Washington, D.C. In the capital of the United States of America, that is where he met C.S. Forester, a writer. In 1953, he married Patricia Neal after they met in New York City. They had five children. They were named Olivia Dahl, Tessa Dahl, Theo Dahl, Ophelia Dahl, and Lucy Dahl. In his stroller, Theo was hit by a taxi. He eventually suffered from multiple head injuries. Fortunately, baby Theo recovered. In 1961 his first book  James and the Giant Peach was published. In 1962 some unfortunate tragedy occurred. His seven-year-old daughter Olivia died of complications from the measles. After her death, it was very hard for Roald to write. In 1964 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was published. With Lucy in her stomach, Patricia suffered three strokes. Eventually, she got better. Roald Dahl wrote much more such as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Magic Finger, The Twits, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Matilda. Matilda was published in 1988. On November 23, 1990 sadly passed away of a rare blood disease. He will never be forgotten.