Awesome Biographies

Saturday, February 11, 2012

James K. Polk's Life

James Knox Polk was born on November 2, 1795 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. His family move to Duck River, Tennessee when he was a child. Polk was so weak to work on the farm that his parents focused on developing his mind. He was taught by tutors and sent to private schools. In 1815 he enrolled in the University of North Carolina. He then went on to study law and he was admitted to the bar. Polk became a popular lawyer and he was elected to the state legislature. On January 1, 1824 James Knox Polk married Sarah Childress; they did not have any children.  Polk was elected to the United States legislature in 1825. He served seven terms until he was elected Governor of Tennessee. He was Governor for one term. He was nominated by the Democrats to run for President. He won and pledged to serve only one term. During Polk's administration , gold was discovered in 1848 in California and thousands of people migrated west.  The Department of the Interior was established. Wisconsin, Iowa, and Texas became states. Polk negotiated the Minnesota and Oregon boundaries with Britain, making them federal territories.  He fought and won in the Mexican War (1846-1848) and annexed much of the southwest and California. Polk was known for working long hours, beginning his duties at daybreak and working at his desk until midnight. He was away from the White House only 37 days during his four-year term. He promised voters he would only serve one term as President. He died three months after he left office at his home in Nashville, Tennessee on June 15, 1849. Note: James Knox Polk was President from 1845 thorugh 1849 and the Vice President was George Mifflin Dallas.

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