Awesome Biographies

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Calvin Coolidge's Life

John Calvin Coolidge was born on July 4, 1872, the 96th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, in Plymouth, Vermont. He attended school in a one-room schoolhouse. He was raised on a farm and enrolled in Black River Academy in Ludlow, Vermont when he was 13. He was admitted to Amherst College in Massachusetts after graduation in 1895, he decided to become a lawyer. He took a job in a law office in Northampton, Massachusetts. While working he studied for the bar exam  and was admitted to the bar in 1897. he opened his own office in the same city, Northampton. In 1898, he was elected city councilman. Calvin Coolidge married Grace Goodhue in 1905 and together they had two boys, Calvin and John. In 1907, Coolidge was elected to the Massachusetts legislature. Three years later he was voted Mayor of Northampton. In 1912, he was a Massachusetts state senator. He was electeda Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts in 1916. Calvin was elected governor in 1917. He was elected Vice President of the United States in 1920. Three years later, Warren Harding died on August 2, 1923 and Coolidge was sworn in as President of the United States on August 3. The next year in 1924, he ran for a full term and won. He served his full term and left office in 1929. Calvin Coolidge returned to his two sons and wife and lived a quiet life until he died of a stroke on January 5, 1933 in Northampton at age sixty. Note: Coolidge was President from 1923 through 1929 and the Vice President was Charles Gates Dawes. 

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