Awesome Biographies

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Theodore Roosevelt's Life

Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City, New York. He graduated from Harvard College. Theodore Roosevelt married Alice Hathaway Lee on his birthday in 1880. He enrolled in Columbia University to study law. He was elected to the New York State Assembly and abandoned his studies. In his third term in 1884 his mother and wife died on Valentine's Day. Alice died two days after she had a baby girl. He served until the end of his term and moved to the Dakota Territory to his ranch on the Little Missouri River. He married Edith Carow in 1886 and they had five children together. He accepted an appointment to the United States Civil Service Commission serving for six years until he was appointed President of the New York City board of police commissioners. He resigned from the Board of Police to become assistant Secretary of the Navy. A year later during the Spanish-American War, he organized and then commanded the first United States Volunteer Cavalry Regiment. In 1899, he was elected Governor of New York. He was inaugurated Vice President of the United States on March 4, 1901 after Garret Augustus Hobart died in office as Vice President on November 21, 1899. He was also inaugurated as President of the United States on September 14, 1901 after William McKinley was shot that day in Buffalo, New York. Roosevelt received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. Theodore invented the teddy bear after his nickname, "Teddy." After he left office on March 4, 1909, he traveled to Africa, stayed there for one year, and returned to New York to organize the Bull Moose Party to run for President in 1912. However, in the election, he lost to Woodrow Wilson. He wrote his autobiography and then he traveled to South America in 1913. Theodore Roosevelt died in his sleep in Long Island, New York on January 6, 1919 at age sixty. Note: Roosevelt was President from 1901 to 1909 and the Vice President was Charles Warren Fairbanks.

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